Thursday, October 4, 2007

I Am Legend Site Launch
I don't know about you but one look at the trailer, I can't wait to see this movie.

Based on Richard Matheson's novel, a man-made virus wipes out the population of New York City leaving Robert Neville (Will Smith) the last human survivor in the city and possibly the world. Neville lives alone for three years, attempting to contact and find other possible survivors. He is watched by the Infected, mutant victims of the plague. Neville works to find a way to create a cure using his own immune blood, but he finds himself outnumbered by the Infected and running out of time

It is being released to the theaters on December 14, 2007.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

This looks like a good one, I can't wait for it come out.

Will Smith alone on camera, what more could you ask for?