Thursday, October 11, 2007

28 Weeks Later :: Review

Now this is how you make a sequel! With the recent release of
28 Weeks Later I was at the blockbuster shortly after it opened to secure my copy. Yes I missed it in the theater. I would imagine a big screen and a bucket of popcorn would have made this movie stand out even more.

We open the story picking up, you guessed it, 28 weeks later than the first film. The original 28 days was one of the freshest approaches to a zombie film in a long time. It came out the same year as the Dawn of the Dead remake (another good movie) and the new and improved running zombie was born.

If you have been in a box the last few years and missed the original, it is well worth going to see before this. You don't have to, because 28 Weeks holds it's own with story, character and action.

In this sequel the infected as they are called, have died off from starvation in Britain. The US military has secured the area and occupied a green zone in which they begin to re-stock fresh meat. By that I mean, normal people have been cleared to live and work in this area once again. However most of London is still littered with bodies and debris from the original onslaught so the normal people are kept behind gates and fences, not allowed to go into the city.

Oh it gets better, the film goes on and on with amazingly crafted action and gore. It really is a fun ride. The CGI didn't even bother me. I am not a fan of green screens and fake monsters, I like good old fashioned make up. This film had a nice mix of the two mediums that played together perfectly. The score played a big part in the movie for me, giving the events a surreal almost existential quality. And the nicely crafted shots of the aftermath in London were beautifully taken.

Here is the US Fox Atomic film site

Here is the UK site
The UK site is much cooler

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