Thursday, October 4, 2007

Michael Bay to give life back to Jason Voorhees

Reuters Article
Looks like Hollywood is at it again. Another remake of one of the most classic horror characters in modern cinema. I'm all for remakes, reinventing or retelling of old stories, but the problem is most of the retellings suck.

What we loved so much about Jason was not necessarily that he was scary, but that he was larger than life. The stories were campy, acting horrible, and they didn't try to hard to make Jason scary. Keep it simple, let Jason chop up high school fornicators as he so enjoys. You can shoot him, stab him, burn him, karate chop to his neck, none of this matters, he keeps chopping. He is an opposing force that can't be stopped no matter how hard you try.

Have fun with gore, cameras, acting, but don't take the story to seriously, not a lot of back story in the script, some would be cool but go through it quick, or work into the plot. Most of us revel in the chance to see Jason come back to the big screen, and look forward to more installments. I really liked Freddy VS. Jason and I didn't think I would. It surprised me and kept a dry, dark humor that I enjoy. Damian Shannon and Mark Swift wrote that screenplay and are writing the new installment. So I feel comfortable in trusting this new one will be enjoyable.

I still don't know why all hate Michael Bay. I call it the Wal-Mart syndrome, the wanna be cool kids hate anything that appeals and has some flash to it. Bay is the Corvette of Hollywood, not all like corvettes, but turn their heads when it rides by.

I have faith in Bay and Platinum Dunes after watching Hitcher. A pretty good remake. The remake was crazy with a lot of action mixed in. But I really enjoyed the approach, highly entertaining. The Hitcher is a BAD MUTHA> WATCH YOUR MOUTH> I'm just talking bout' Hitcher.

We need that kind of love put back into Jason Voorhees. Needless to say these are just thoughts, the film is ultimately in your hands. There is a lot of potential to do something really cool, and if I had to pick, would be this team to do it. Platinum Dunes producers say the film should be out near late 2008, you'll get my $10 bucks.

Some more links

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